Sunday, March 17, 2013

Cervical Cancer Seminar for Female Workers

Cervical Cancer Seminar for Female Workers

Who says the union or the workers could only demo demo demo and it??
A lot of positive things that can and has been done by the union to improve the welfare and protection of workers escaped from the news.

Amid the government's neglect of its citizens, amid corporate indifference to the health of employees, unions often present to fill that role.

As performed by the enterprise level unions (PUK) in EJIP an industrial area. They held a seminar on cervical cancer disease on Saturday, March 16, 2013.

In collaboration with a hospital that is around the industrial area, the seminar was attended by around 40 participants / working women included participants from Karawang  and Purwakarta.

According to the organizing committee of this activity, Ms.Heri  seminar is important to raise awareness and concern for the workers, especially women to the dangers of cervical cancer.

In this seminar, the women are expected to be "aware" of
maintaining their health in the middle of busy  achieve the production target.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

MPBI an Indonesian Labor Council

MPBI an Indonesian Labor Council

In the year 2012 in the month May 2012,  Third largest labor confederation and 8 federation  created an alliance called MPBI ( Majelis Pekerja Buruh Indonesia ).

MPBI is an Indonesian Labor Council that consist of KSPI, KSPSI dan KSBSI, three major confederations in Indonesia. In May Day 2012 they launch campaigned abaout " HOSTUM ".

HOSTUM stands for Hapus Outsoursing Tolak Upah Murah ( Removal of Outsourcing , Decline Cheap Wage  ).

After the campaign, the union movement has increased dramatically.  The climax is when the workers went on national strike on October 3 2012.

Indonesian National Strike Photo Galery

Indonesian National Strike Photo Galery

Indonesian National Strike

This is the picture of  Indonesian National Strike on October 3 2012. Were estimated estimated 2 million workers took part in nationwide strike who has been organised by MPBI which FSPMI ( Federasi Serikat Pekerja Metal Indonesia ) become the motor of that movement.

foto taken from : Buruh Bekasi Bergerak group & writer private colection

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Outsourced Worker Prepare to Strike

More than 500 Outsourced Worker from one of the Korean factory in Bekasi prepare to strike on July 2012. They all gather in Rumah Buruh who also familiar with " Omah Buruh "  ( Omah/Rumah its mean House, Buruh = Labour ) to do a initial consolidation before the strike.

Most of them have been work almost 5 years as an Outsourcing worker. And
work under minimum wage standards

They are considered to be lucky because more worker have much worse fate. In many factories in Bekasi there are estimated about 20000 into 50000 outsourced workers who have worked more than 7 years in the heart operation of the factory.  That is against the law of workers in Indonesian.

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